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- Castell Monestir de Sant Miquel d'Escornalbou
- A curious place, that although its name indicates castle and monastery, Augustinian and Franciscan, it stopped at 1835 by law.

- Institut Pere Mata at Reus
- This modern style hospital was designed by the architect Lluis Domenech i Montaner, which served as a precedent to build the Hospital Sant Pau in Barcelona.

- Estrets d'Arnes
- An easy trail along the 'Estrets' stream with crystalline water.

- Church square at 'Horta de Sant Joan' village
- At the middle of this little town you can find this small corner, with the main church and the hall town.

- Pont de les Ferreres
- A beautiful roman aquaduct located near Tarragona city, a world heritage site.

- Coral Lavinia in Santes Creus
- We are inside the church of this Cistercian monastery in Catalonia, hearing the Coral Lavinia of Barcelona in concert.