360° Panoramas about 'museums'

Some panoramic views in order to get a virtual tour about the theme requested.: museums.

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Steam engine of Aymerich mill
Steam engine of Aymerich mill
View of the engine room with the steam engine.
Inside Aymerich mill
Inside Aymerich mill
Inside the old mill, today there is a wonderful museum about industrial heritage.
Aymerich, Amat i Jover mill
Aymerich, Amat i Jover mill
An overlooking view of this old mill in Terrasa (near Barcelona) dated in 1907.
Príncipe Felipe Science Museum. Version 1.0
Príncipe Felipe Science Museum. Version 1.0
This is a view of the first version of this museum, a day before its inaguration, where there was no stairs outside of the building.
MUMA. The municipal museum of Alzira.
MUMA. The municipal museum of Alzira.
Located in the middle of the old town, this museum offers a didactic exhibition that makes the visit a walk along the history of the locality, from its origins up to our days.
Garden at Portlligat House-museum of Salvador Dalí
Garden at Portlligat House-museum of Salvador Dalí
Sunset in a small garden at Portlligat House-museum of Salvador Dalí s, the place in which he normally lived and worked up till 1982.
Príncipe Felipe Science Museum
Príncipe Felipe Science Museum
Biggest building in City of Arts and Science at Valencia, a science museum that offers to his visitors a way to learn interactively about science, life and technology.
Vatican Museums
Vatican Museums
Sala Rotonda.
Guggenheim museum at Bilbao
Guggenheim museum at Bilbao
A view of this great building of Frank O.


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